Awardee: Dr. Igor Griva
An accurate assessment of educational progress remains a challenging task mainly because students have various levels of preparedness as well as individual learning and expression styles. For example, some students may score better in a test when they are given a large number of multiple-choice items while other students are just the opposite: they can make excellent and thorough answers to constructed response items, but are unable to quickly switch attention among a large number of simple testing problems. Therefore, when testing students’ knowledge, an exam must have an adequate number of problems to cover various subject areas, difficulty levels, and question formats. However, in the absence of a systematic and scientific approach to test building, exams often suffer from an inability to reconcile multiple goals and criteria. They may focus excessively on testing some subject areas while only scarcely covering others. Or they may be too focused on one particular format or be too difficult or simple.
The goal of the current project is to improve the quality of tests capable of accurate assessment of student knowledge by providing scientifically sound methodology and software for test development. The methodology being used is based on optimization algorithm, which provides the best possible examination design based on specified goals, constraints, and psychometric data. The methodology will be implemented through a novel, user-friendly software that places mathematically challenging modeling and implementation issues at the "back end" and provides a user-friendly interface, or “front end,” that will control the specifications of the tests that need to be built.
As a result of this effort, the education community will have an easy-to-use tool, TestDesign, capable of assisting specialists in the preparation of high-quality tests to advance the goals of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
How this work supports NAEP
The TestDesign methodology and software study address Phase 2 (Create the Assessment) of the NAEP Assessment process. As part of the NAEP R&D program’s cooperative agreement opportunity, this research study meets the strategic vision to Inform, Innovate, & Engage by strengthening and expanding “partnerships by broadening stakeholders’ awareness of NAEP and facilitating their use of NAEP resources.”