R&D Hub

2024 NAEP Doctoral Student Internship Program: Applications Now Open

Published On Friday, December 22, 2023

The NAEP Doctoral Student Internship Program is entering its eighth year, and applications have just opened! Interns will have the opportunity to work directly with NAEP researchers from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to analyze NAEP data; contribute to the development of statistical methods and education knowledge; and help inform education policy at the national, state, and local levels. This paid internship is remote, with some covered travel to Arlington, VA, expected. Applications will remain open through February 2, 2024.

Grateful for the NAEP Research Community

Published On Friday, November 24, 2023

This holiday season, we’re thankful for all the great team members, researchers, interns, and students that make up the NAEP research community. Your work with data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress helps us gain a greater understanding of K-12 student academic achievement, providing vital tools to inform educational policy and practice. Let’s take a look back at some of the community members we’ve highlighted this year.

Spotlighting Current NAEP Doctoral Interns: Radhika Kapoor

Published On Friday, September 1, 2023

As we look back on the recently ended 2023 NAEP Doctoral Internship Program, one more intern from this most recent cohort has worked with us to share her experience with the program and a bit about herself. Radhika Kapoor had an exciting summer working with NAEP data and tools with the experts, and now she’s reflected on and answered a few questions for the NAEP research community. 

Spotlighting Current NAEP Doctoral Interns: Danielle Siegel

Published On Friday, August 4, 2023

As the summer and the NAEP Doctoral Student Internship begin to wind down, another intern took the time to share some insights and reflections with the NAEP research community about themselves and their work! Danielle Siegel has been spending her summer engaging in methodological developments and conducting secondary analysis using NAEP data, but she found the time to answer a few questions.

title of plugged in news

The Summer 2024 NAEP Data Training Workshop - Applications Open


Applications are now open for the summer 2024 NAEP Data Training Workshop! This workshop is for quantitative researchers with strong statistical skills who are interested in conducting data analyses using NAEP data. For the first time, participants in this year's training will get an introduction to COVID data collections. Learn more here!

EdSurvey e-book now available!


Analyzing NCES Data Using EdSurvey: A User's Guide is now available for input from the research community online here.  Check it out and give the team your feedback.

«July 2024»