R&D Hub

Grateful for the NAEP Research Community

Published On Friday, November 24, 2023

This holiday season, we’re thankful for all the great team members, researchers, interns, and students that make up the NAEP research community. Your work with data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress helps us gain a greater understanding of K-12 student academic achievement, providing vital tools to inform educational policy and practice. Let’s take a look back at some of the community members we’ve highlighted this year.

NAEP Process Data Researchers Create Winning Data Visualization

Published On Friday, November 10, 2023

NAEP Center for Process Data Researchers Ruhan Circi and Juanita Hicks won the 2023 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EM:IP) Cover Graphic/Data Visualization Competition. Their visualization comparing traditional data and process data measurements of the percentages of students who did not reach an item in a NAEP assessment was featured on the cover of the most recent EM:IP issue, published in September.

Highlighting Article From NAEP Process Data Researchers

Published On Friday, October 13, 2023

NAEP Process Data Researchers Ruhan Circi and Burhan Ogut recently published an article in the National Council on Measurement in Education’s journal Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice using data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) to explore the relationship between high school coursetaking and college enrollment.

title of plugged in news

The Summer 2024 NAEP Data Training Workshop - Applications Open


Applications are now open for the summer 2024 NAEP Data Training Workshop! This workshop is for quantitative researchers with strong statistical skills who are interested in conducting data analyses using NAEP data. For the first time, participants in this year's training will get an introduction to COVID data collections. Learn more here!

EdSurvey e-book now available!


Analyzing NCES Data Using EdSurvey: A User's Guide is now available for input from the research community online here.  Check it out and give the team your feedback.

«July 2024»